Galerie Karouzou “Energie” 26. Januar bis 7. Februar 2019 Vernissage: Sa 26. Jan von 12 bis 17 h Aperitif: Fr 01. Feb von 17 bis 19.30 h Finissage: Do 07. Feb von 14 bis 19 h i’m very excited to announce LoktaArt by Vasiliki Merianou will partecipate in “ENERGY” group exhibition at the Karouzou art gallery in Zurich Galerie Karouzou – from January 26th to February 7th 2019. On display are the works of 34 talented artists from the national…
I ‘m very excited to announce lokta art by Vasiliki Merianou will participate in Feeric Fashion Week to Romania with @architectureinfashion and 18 internationally selected designers. Arhitecture in Fashion / Fashion Show Friday, 20 July, 21.00 / Feeric Venue – Redal Expo Architecture in Fashion’ is the first and only worldwide platform which exclusively showcases and sells architectural wearables. Our platform defies standards and pushes boundaries of the fashion industry with an architectural touch. Our selected designers in this year’s…
We are pleased to invite you to @Lokta Art summer show in private exhibition of @Architectureinfashion in Tehran 2-4 July 2018 Opening times: 14:00-22:00
The history of paper dates back almost 2,000 years to when inventors in China first crafted cloth sheets to record their drawings and writings. Before then, people communicated through pictures and symbols etched on stone, bones, cave walls, or clay tablets. Paper as we know it today was first made in Lei-Yang, China by Ts’ai Lun, a Chinese court official. In all likelihood, Ts’ai mixed mulberry bark, hemp and rags with water, mashed it into pulp, pressed out the liquid,…
I am very happy with our profile at Blurred Magazine. Your text and photos give us the strength to carry on creating new jewellery with our unique way. Read more at
The raw material Lokta is a bark of the Lokta plant – a sapling stick of about 5 to 7 feet in length – also sometimes referred to as the paper tree. The word Lokta refers to one of the local species of Daphne Cannabina or Daphne Papyracea – a small woody plant of Laurel family. It is also familiar to Nepalese people by the name of Baruwa or KaagtePaat . Best quality of lokta stick usually grows and exists…
I need to admit, I love paper. No matter if it’s machine or handmade, in sheets, book, strips, in any form. It’s texture and smells, especially natural paper, is a source of inspiration and creation for me. My studies do not have to do with the paper or the handicraft that I so much cherishing. I have been studying Administration and specifically in the health field, “ very contrary“. The unique contact with the paper in this job in the…